WB - Living Well Today
WB - Living Well Today
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Getting Started
Congratulations! It helps to be honest about where you are and accept it - you're not sure you want to change anything. You might be thinking about with your health issues -and even concerned about your anger, worry, mood, weight - and know things might be better if you did do something. But you can still not be sure anything will work for you - or that you can succeed.
The trick is not to avoid thinking about it. The trick is to dive in and figure it out - figure out the good reasons not to change and all the reason to change.
These are important questions to ask yourself - see how to work with the question and your answers.
How IMPORTANT is it to you that you do something about what you've picked to work on? (mood or anger, stress, weight - whatever it is you've decided to focus on first)
On a scale of 0 to 10, how IMPORTANT is it to you to deal with this and make changes?
0 5 10
Not important Sort of important Very important
Take a look at the score you gave. Answer these questions:
What are the plus and minuses of changing or staying the same?
We do things a certain way because it works for us. If we have 'unhealthy' habits, it's because it works for us - or it has in the past.
If you're not sure, it helps to understand all the pluses and minuses of both sides - changing and not changing before making any decision.
Try answering these 4 things about making a change in a habit you're concerned about. On a piece of paper, draw the 4 squares and fill in your answers.
The example here is about exercising - you should use whatever you've picked as your first focus about your health, e.g. mood, anger, worry, weight.
Take a look at what you wrote in all the boxes.
Do you think you should change - but you don't really feel like it?
Or do you feel like changing but your thinking/mind says no?
In what way was doing this helpful?
Good work! Keep exploring.
Most of us have many things going on in our life at the same time - all demanding our time and attention. We may 'want' to focus on changing an unhealthy habit but other things are demanding attention first, e.g. need to work, pay rent, buy food, take care of family members.
We may end up putting our health needs at a lower priority. There's no right or wrong here - just our reality and choices we have to make.
There are 4 main reasons to want to change that affect how successful you'll be making a change:
Using a scale of 0-10 - 0 is not at all, 1 is a little bit, and 10 is "that's me, for sure."
What's your score for the different reasons?
This could be for a lot of different reasons - you're feeling sad, feeling anxious, dealing with stressful family or work situations, and other reasons.
What are some of those reasons for you? It can help to understand what some of our reasons are. They need to be addressed before trying to make any change.
What are some of your reasons to think about making any changes?
Why did you give yourself the score you did for question/reason D?
There's a difference between having motivation to change and having confidence in our ability to change. We can be motivated to make changes but not really believe we can do it. Or we may have total confidence we can do it - when we really want to!
It's possible to have all the skills and information needed - but lack the confidence to try and achieve it.
Any of this sound familiar?
How confident are you that you can make the changes you need/want to make?
Ability means you have the skills and information you'll need to make changes. Usually, creating a healthy habit means we need to learn new ways of doing things to replace the old habit.
Do you think you can learn what you need to be successful? Can you learn a new skill, e.g. simple cooking? or self-assertive skills to decline food in social settings? or skills to redirect your anxious thoughts so you can relax and focus?
Score you ability to change
Now - let's put the 2 scores together - confidence and ability.
How do you score?
Sometimes we overestimate our ability to change - "I could change... if I wanted to".
If going through these questions and exercises has created a shift in how you feel about change - you can go on to the next step - Preparing for Change.
Still uncertain?
Don't give up. There's more to look at. It's important to understand more
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