WB - Living Well Today
WB - Living Well Today
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Getting Started
At the end of the week (if that's what your timeline is). you add up the check marks. How many days did you meet your goal?
What did you learn? Ask yourself some questions and get ready for the next week (or month if you are going by the month)>
Now what?
Feel discouraged? Feel like quitting?
Setting a goal and working towards it is like learning to walk. It's baby steps and trial and error. You take a few steps, fall down, get back up and try a new approach. Each time, you examine what worked, what didn't, redesign your plan and try again.
It isn't about falling - it's about getting up and trying again until you find what works. Remember - it took hundreds of attempts before the lightbulb was successful!
You can do this!!
Build your confidence. Remember your past successes. Remind yourself of other times in your life you set a goal and met it.
Questions to ask yourself?
The goal was ok, I just didn't really want to start it - my head was ready but my heart wasn't into it yet.
I had to be somewhere 3 days of the week and wouldn't be able to do things the way I planned at home.
There was a snowstorm that took me off the road for 2 days and interrupted my plan.
The car broke and I couldn't get to the store to prepare.
I said I'd change all my eating habits in 1 week - eat 3 meals of vegies/fruit and the right balance of carbohydrates and proteins. I'm not even eating 1 meal a day right now.
My challenge is going to the store to buy the groceries - I get really anxious about going into the store and dealing with the people. Maybe I could arrange to go with my sister.
Met my goal this week, what's next?
What will I do for the next week?
There are 3 options depending on what your mini-goal was and how it fits into your master goal.
Master goal is to "eat healthy - 3 vegies/fruits a day, 3 servings of carbs, 5 servings of protein 7 days a week"
Mini-goal this week: I said I'd eat 1 serving of vegetables 2 days out of the 7 days this week.
1. Increase the number of days in the week you do what your action plan describes. You could change it to eat vegies 5 days out of the 7
2. Add more things you'll do in a day. You could make it your mini-goal to eat 2 vebetables a day for 2 days out of the week?
3. Stick with this goal and keep doing it (eat a servicings 2 days a week) and add a new mini-goal (eat a fruit once a day, 2 days a week)
How do you decide what to do? It's up to you - there's no right or wrong way. Which one do you think you'd be more likely to do? Which moves you forward to your big goal (eating 3 vegetables adn 3 fruits a day, 7 days a week).
What's next ...
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