
WB - Living Well Today

National Suicide Hotline - 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

VA National Crisis Line - 1-800-273-8255 Press 1.

Start where you are today

Getting Started


Step 3 - You can't figure out the route to take until you know what your starting point is ..... 


Making changes - or deciding if we want to make changes because we want to feel better, do better at work, be better husbands/fathers/wives/mothers - doesn't happen because we wish for it.  It doesn't happen because we want it or make a New Year's Resolution.  It happens when we own it and work it. 


Step 3:  Which one of these best fits where you're at today 

There's nothing wrong, nothing to work on
Things could be better - maybe?
I get it - I'm working on a plan to get started.
I'm making changes - need more tips
I've made my goals - need to maintain
Got sidetracked


Step 4 -